Recent flowering delights (4 pics)

I'm not even mentioning the Delosperma harazianum here which has been a constant delight. It is just flowering non-stop all year around! Any takers for seeds?

In fact, I have other beauties here that have to be encouraged with attention.

This Anacampseros vanthielii has very big flowers compared to A. filamentosa, they are as big as any Av. quinaria, I'd say. However the plant only grows them one or two at a time and you are lucky not to miss one when it opens. As with all Anacampseros and Avonia it opens only once for a couple of hours. Any takers for seeds?

Besides Neohenricia, Stomatium alboroseum has grown one nightly flower. I'd like to cross-pollinate the two species but the recent Neohenricia flowers are at a slightly different developmental stage. If they open before the Stomatium one closes I'll surely try.

Another plant that is filling me with joy is this Adromischus and even though the open flowers are not much of a sight the whole flower stalk is truly impressive! From the flowers you indeed can say it is a crassulaceae. 

I'm also very excited to see these Conophytum pellucidum flowers open. I've had this plant for over a year and the flowers mean that I could guide it through its yearly cycle well :) It's really encouraging. Conophytums are tricky.


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