One grateful mesemb, Stomatium (2 pics)

My Stomatium trifarium looks great nowadays, especially from below the leaves where the warts shine through. One day when I have more room I want to grow all different kinds of them from seed. For now I'd like to repeat myself - dividing this plant into cuttings was the best idea ever! You can practically see the plant brim with new life force now without all the dead weight of dried up leaves and stems and roots. All new and fresh. I'm trying to restrain myself from watering it as much as before, even though it wrinkles fast. But I really want the leaves to stay compact and with less water not only the color is more vivid but also the teeth and warts are much more prominent.

Same goes for the seedlings. These two grow really fast. They now have three branches each! I'd like to start watering them less but they look thristy very quickly in this heat and I'm still afraid it might be too early to treat them like adults.


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