New: Delosperma sphalmantoides (3 pics)

I actually would have loved to grow this species from seed but, given a chance, who could resist. Being so fond of the D. cooperii I've been looking around for a dwarf version to grow on the window sill (even though this hardy D. sphalmantoides would rather grow somewhere outside). I haven't even realized how tiny and cute it would be! You just have to love these little cyan leaves with a marshmellow-like texture (click on pics for xxl) and how it grows low like a carpet (much like a Neohenricia in fact). If you think of a Delosperma you surely imagine something very different.

To draw a comparison, here are the D. cooperii and D. sphalmantoides on one pic!
Got these beautiful plants from cono's paradise along with a new pumice order.


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