one windowsill - over three hundred plants
Welcome to my "greenhouse"!
I've mentioned before that I grow lithops on my windowsill so this is how it looks like. ;) Luckily Lithops are small plants you can arrange compactly so that one windowsill full of them seems to be almost enough. Almost. ;) Allthough there are mostly Lithops, I also have a huge Crassula rupestris that will probably overrun the whole place one day, two lovely Titanopsis calcarea plants, a surprisingly fast growing Rabiea albipuncta, a cute little Frithia humilis, a crazy Sempervivum, a strange looking Haworthia limifolia and an ananas-like Astroloba skinneri, which are the most treasured presents ♥. I didn't want to sow this year but you can see there is a container with germinating aucampiae seeds anyway (the one with a plastic see-through cover), it's a curse. The most pots are 5x5x8 cm and the labels are in plastic sticker-pockets deliberately on the opposite side to not be seen immediately.
By the way, it's been raining almost the whole day and even though the sun finally came out there are still rain drops on the window. :)
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