
Showing posts from December, 2015

Titanopsis calcarea: First flower (2 pics)

So, looks like I've raised this one to adulthood :) There was a flower on another seedling of this bunch but I either missed it or it never opened so I'll consider this one as the first. It seems like a miracle! I've grown it from a seed collected from my own plant and now it's flowering! You can see these Titanopsis calcarea plants as newborns , nearly newborns , 2-month-olds , 3-month-olds , 15-month-olds here in the blog. They hatched in May 2013.

Carefree seedlings (3 pics)

Recently I feel like I lost my touch with seedlings and I think that's because I don't have time to care for them these days as I had before (also, I've been trying to use up all old seeds I have and viability is low). I kinda expect them to grow on their own without any support (mostly psychological anyway) from the grower. And when they actually do that it's worth a blog post. Anacampseros vanthielii seedlings have turned out to be very low maintenance. They just grow as they grow, in their cozy big group, green and hairy and fresh. No help from my side at all. Can only recommend them to all of you. There will surely be seeds again next year so make sure to get a free pocket ;) When they grow up they should look like their mother. In other news... no news. The windowsill is a bit boring these days. Waiting for the days to get longer. 

Beautiful ugliness (2 pics)

This is what I want to see when I look at my lithops in winter and L. bromfieldii never disappoint :)

Lithops experiment part 5 (4 pics)

Continuing the series about three overgrown lithops and an attempt to save them and get them into proper shape, here is the most recent development. The lithops were shrinking as expected, however I fear I noticed way too late, that the tallest one had grown the new leaves inside to a size that is definitely too long for them! Actually, I wanted to cut it open before this happens, even though I understand that the'd be immature at that time, so it might have been bad either way. Now that I noticed, I've ripped the old leaves open to get some light upon the new ones and prevent them from growing even longer. I'm pretty sure I was too late but we'll see. I was afraid to miss the "point of no return" with the other plants so I've ripped another one as well. The third one doesn't show any signs of new leaves though, which is even more worrisome. Oh well, it is an experiment so we'll just have to wait and see. I guess, if they survive, it will be anoth...