I'm always excited when my plants develop side shoots, doesn't matter if this is a new lithops head or a new branch on other mesembs. While with some plants it happens a lot and is almost overwhelming with my limited space (Rhinephyllum and Stomatium are going crazy) in the normal case, for me, is it is quite rare. Therefore I'm always on the look-out for new side shoots and when I find one it absolutely makes my day, if not week :D I've shown you this Aloinopsis malherbei over on twitter before. Here it is again, 10 months old and growing a "secondary" set of leaves. Here is a Prepodesma. Lately I've reduced watering to bring out the tan (photos soon). Rabiea expanding. Not a mesemb but there's a whole line of new growth along its side. I'm waiting for the flowers to develop :) Younger Titanopsis primosii is also getting more bushy. My older plant is already a "tree" and the color is amazing!