
Showing posts from January, 2014

Steineckeana's new shiny faces (2 pics)

My steineckeana babies are three years old today. With this year's regeneration they start to look much more mature. In the photo below almost all of them already have changed their leaves. In fact many of my lithops already have. I'm not watering yet though, waiting for the spring and better light.

Rabiea seedlings

Sorry, I couldn't focus the camera properly, the seelings are tiny. But I also couldn't wait until they are bigger to show them to you because of so much cuteness! Adorable ♥ Tiny flames~ Sown in November 2013

Leaves of a Trichodiadema

It's been some time since the plant was watered and now the leaves have gotten nice and juicy. New ones are growing, too! Check out the Trichodiadema densum up close :) Very unusual leaf surface.

Trichodiadema and Crassula flowers

Recently purchased Trichodiadema densum has opened a flower. Not white or yellow for a change :) All the Crassula I have went through a long acclimation process, with growth stop, rotting and such, but at the end they got used to their new situation and two of them even flowered. Here is the cute little Crassula mesembryanthemopsis. It's strange to see so typically crassula-like flowers on such a mesemb-looking plant :)

Kanchūmimai :)

I hope all of you my dear readers have had wonderful winter holidays and a good start into the new year 2014! It's late but I wish you all the happiness and health for this year and good species-appropriate growing season to your plants ;) The last one is actually too early in case of our mesembs. There's still a long way to go until there's any real quality growing. Not much happening at the moment. All the plants look more dead and destroyed than anything else...  I don't even have anything to show you since there's nothing new between fall flowering and spring's new growth. Some of my lithops have almost regenerated but are still not being watered for lack of sunlight. So far I can see 13 new heads ("new" as in 1 divided into 2 or 2 divided into 3), three of which are my own seedlings. Quite encouraging. Other mesembs are sort of hanging in there. I'm watering them but very very little. Still there is one development worth mentioning. My Frithia...