
Showing posts from September, 2012

Cute Frithia seedlings 2

I'm really pleased with how the Frithia seedlings are growing. It's quite a change compared to one month ago . I don't have much experience with non-lithops seedlings and mostly try to judge by their looks whether they need something or not. I think it's time for them to get less water - new leaves seem to rip apart the base of the old ones lately. PS: There's a tiny cluster of moss hidden in the picture, haha.

Other plants about to bloom

My Lithops are bloom-lazy this year but there's still something going on on the windowsill.  Crassula rupestris has lots and lots of flower stalks but I think it'll take some time for them all to develop. Can't wait to see it in full bloom. :) Avonia quinaria ssp. alstonii that already had flowers this year has recently developed a new flower bud. Interestingly it grows right out of the caudex, not out of the tip of a branch. I hope it has enough strength to open the flower. Oh, and the Green Horn is still trying to bloom. Fingers crossed~

Neohenricia sibbettii still flowers

There's still not much going on with Lithops, only one flower is visible. But at least some other succulents are flowering. My Haworthia limifolia has grown another flower stalk and there's a seed capsule even though there's no partner plant around. The Neohenricia sibbetii is flowering since almost three months non-stop! I've counted around 40 flowers so far. Still I think it weakens the plant itself a bit. By the way, the scent isn't pleasant at all :D

T. calcarea enjoys its freedom

You might remember the two Titanopsis calcarea plants that had to share one tiny pot until I transplated them (each into a tiny pot) sometime in June . A right decision. The one that had two branches a couple if months ago now has eight! Hopefully it means as many flowers later on. :)

New two-headed plants

My fulviceps are regenerating very untimely for some reason. They've changed leaves in winter perfectly but are doing it again now. Almost all of them and synchronously, too. Funny plants. I wonder how they're going to preceed and what they'll be doing next winter. Interestingly they feel well enough to grow two heads. Sorry for the dusty pics ;)

Cute Frithia seedlings

Long time no post. I'm still busy and stressed but try to keep track of the plants. Lithops do nothing except for the fulvi greenies that have decided to regenerate. The damaged Rabiea is growing first new leaves since the accident which is good news. Both kinds of Titanopsis, a couple of Aloinopsis and the Prepodesma are growing new leaves and the Stomatium is getting huge. I'll post some pictures of them soon but now to the Frithia seedlings. They grow surprisingly well in all the heat and (filtered) sun light. I even let the substrate dry from time to time because I'm afraid of overwatering (you remember the poor mother plant of these guys). So far the kids look happy, I think.