Crassula rupestris
Much to do these days. I spend the whole day everyday in the library working on my master's thesis recently. I try to keep an eye on the plants though. Another Sulphurea is flowering, as well as the Haworthia limifolia and the Faucaria's flower is showing some yellow. Unfortunately I've discovered spider mites on my beautiful Rabiea yesterday. I've done everything they say to fight them on the internet and can only hope the damage isn't that great. All the Titanopsis plants are on hiatus, it seems, and look their best, really compact and pretty. Neohenricia is pushing flowers like crazy (and the flowers don't smell nice after all). Delosperma drops its leaves every evening from the sun and the heat and revives every morning. Frithia seeplings have grown their second leaves, so cute. I'll take and post pictures as soon as I have more time. For now, here is the huge and lovely Crassula rupestris. It provides a welcome shade.